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Price List

Please refer to the prices of our current services below. Stay updated on our offers and discounts for physiotherapy by following Bespoke Physiotherapy on Facebook and Instagram. Secure your appointment by booking online now.

Specialist Physiotherapist (Miss Charlene O'Leary & Mrs Niamh Brady)

Physiotherapy Initial Consultation (60 minutes) €100

Physiotherapy follow up appointment (45 minutes) €85

Physiotherapy follow up appointment (60 minutes) €100

Physiotherapy Online video consultation Initial appointment (60 minutes) €100

Physiotherapy Online video consultation Follow up appointment (45 minutes) €85

Physiotherapy Home Visit €100-€120 (depending on location)

Senior Physiotherapist (Mr Rory O'Sullivan)

Physiotherapy Initial Consultation (60 minutes) €100

Physiotherapy follow up appointment (45 minutes) €75

Physiotherapy follow up appointment (60 minutes) €100

Physiotherapy Online video consultation Initial appointment (60 minutes) €100

Physiotherapy Online video consultation Follow up appointment (45 minutes) €75

Consultant Physiotherapist (Mr Thomas Dekkers)

Physiotherapy Initial Consultation (60 minutes) €125

Physiotherapy follow up appointment (45 minutes) €90

Physiotherapy Online video consultation Initial appointment (60 minutes) €120

Physiotherapy Online video consultation Follow up appointment (45 minutes) €85

Podiatrist (Mr Greg Gillanders)

Podiatry Initial Consultation and Orthotic Prescription €140

Podiatry Follow up Appointment €85

Pilates Reformer

Pilates Reformer 1:1 Physiotherapy Led (45 minutes) €70

Book your appointment now using our contact form or call 087 712 6076. Alternatively, book via our online booking system.

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